David Marquet

Bestselling Author of “Turn the Ship Around!”

David Marquet

Retired US Navy Captain | Student of Leadership and Organizational Design | Bestselling Author of Turn the Ship Around! and Leadership is Language!

David Marquet (MAR-KAY) was assigned to command the nuclear-powered submarine USS Santa Fe, then ranked last in retention and operational standing. He “turned the ship around” by treating the crew as leaders, not followers, and giving control, not taking control. This revolutionary approach not only took the Santa Fe from “worst to first” in the rankings, but also created more subsequent leaders than any other submarine. Stephen R. Covey called the Santa Fe “the most empowering organization [he’d] ever seen” and wrote about Captain Marquet’s leadership practices in his book, The 8th Habit.

Captain Marquet is the author of Turn the Ship Around! A True Story of Turning Followers Into Leaders. Fortune magazine named it the #1 must-read business book of the year, and USA Today listed it as one of the top 12 business books of all time. Next comes the newly acclaimed book, Leadership is Language. It is time to ditch the Industrial Age playbooks and learn that choosing the right words can improve team decision-making and execution.

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